Sunday, 20 April 2008

It just takes time.....

Having a multi-cat household is tricky. Cats (except for Lions) are generally solitary creatures who prefer to have the house to themselves. So the intricacies of getting multiple cats to live together in harmony is a very delicate balance.

Our latest addition Ty, has finally become part of the clan. In fact there is a bit of a "Siamese Sect" forming. Poor kitten is excluded from this "Ol boys" club. Ty now shares beds with Blue and Bindii but Kitten and he have agreed to disagree. They still hiss and have a little altercation whenever they pass each other in the corridor.

Ty is a survivor, in a few short months he has settled in and managed to get the household under control. He had never had anything to do with dogs...... now he has two Greyhounds under his paw. The 3 Siamese play together, sleep together and share food bowls.

He is a lovely cat, rather opinionated but very loving. He likes to sit on my tummy every evening and watch my soapie "Home and Away".

I am currently on 10 days leave to write 3 exams and do 2 case studies.....aaargh! So I better sign off and get to work............


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get cracking!