My cats are true felines, they have trained us well. The only reason we put up with their behaviour is because of the wonderful feeling of having a purring kitty wrapped in your arms. In winter the Siamese sleep curled up in my arms... built in hot water bottles. When summer comes they abandon us... too hot, instead they there find the room with air con and then do not move at all during daylight hours. I am a firm believer in a "CAT CURFEW", that is no cats out at night. The reason being that during the day felines sleep, at night they like to fight, hunt and gallivant. If you keep them in at night they are unable to do these activities, thus reducing your Veterinary bills as well as keeping the Australian Wildlife safer! This is a very noble undertaking because this means that my three are locked into the house when they are most active. This has a few drawbacks.
They sleep a bit (Average amount of hours cats sleep is 18 out of 24) and then then CAT OLYMPICS begin. They gallop around chasing each other, running up fly screens, leaping over furniture and ambushing one another at every opportunity. I lie in bed and every 20 Min's or so a cat flys over my head, or lands on my stomach... not conducive to a deep sleep. I thought that as they got older they would settle and be less active, nope not true. Blue is 5 and Bindii is 4, no sign of slowing down at all. There are many foul forms of torture developed by man... all that time wasted when my two Siamese would get the toughest man to break in a few hours.

Blue Cat's Method:
Jump repeatedly on Human until they stagger out of bed.
If no response then attack feet until they bleed.
Knead human with claws fully extended and purr as loud as a tractor.
If human does not respond or turns away, extend paw with claws fully extended and hook human skin, act innocently as if you are loving them.
Bindii's Method:
Shout loudly, do not take no for an answer.
Walk/Run up and down corridor screaming in loud Siamese tones.
Run over top of owners head and have fight with brother.
If door is shut scream and throw yourself against door repeatedly.

Kitten's Method:
Very quietly and subtly swirl around human making soft mewing noise.
At unexpected moment bit leg HARD.

I cannot tell a lie at 4:30am (when the bloody sun rises in Qld) we are tortured until we fill the food bowl and open the cat door to allow the felines outside time.
A friend stayed over to Animal sit and she complained that although the bed was possibly the most comfortable she has slept in......the bloody cats nearly killed her... she left for home sleep deprived and wondering how we survive it!

I have a few days off and am so enjoying some down time. No news to tell really... which in our case is GOOD!
Ciao for now
i think your cats are actually woven. look!
Yike, this is dreadful. I'd really put some heavy locks on your door, and maybe get some sandbags and other fortifications.
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