Best wishes to everyone for Christmas and may you have a prosperous New Year! We L Clan are having a far better Chrissy than last year (as we Aussies call it). No one is ill... as far as we can tell. We are off to have lunch with some old friends and that should be very pleasant.
Now for the confession.... about a month back a lady came into work with a beautiful Siamese cat.... she was trying to find him a home as she had saved him from euthanasia, her landlord does not allow cats. Now anyone who has owned a Siamese would know they are not the kind of cat you can keep quiet in your home. They strut around shouting on top of their lungs and befriend all they see. NOT good idea when you are meant to "not exist". So said lady got served an eviction notice.... as in "Its you or the cat".....
Her choices were back to re-homing him or euthanasia........... I offered to re-home him, I just could not see him euthanized......... It was just before Christmas, what was I to do. D was consulted and said OK, cat can stay awhile whilst we look for a home. I got him home and D took one look and said "I think I know of a good home"..... with a big grin on his face........

And so now we have Ty...an eight year old Seal Point Siamese kitty. He lives in A's room and sleeps on her tummy. He purrs madly when he sees any human.

The other cats are a little freaked out ............OK they are VERY cross with us.......... they will get over it ....... they always do..........
Oh and we got another birdie...........

I better stop now .... dont'cha think?

Chat soon
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