Last weekend we attended the GAP Christmas party. Karma and Shani were very excited to go see all their friends. We gave one of our old foster dog's , Suzie a lift to the party. Suzie was a very shy, scared girl who was very anxious when we fostered her as she had come from an abused background.
Our home was WAY too busy, people coming and going, shouting ,noise....not for the faint hearted and poor Suzie did not really enjoy the environment. The story has a very happy ending as she has been adopted by a wonderful Lady "L" who lives alone with her cat. A much quieter environment and one that has given her back her confidence.Well our little shy girl has blossomed into a happy, energetic crazy grey and is so obviously happy, it is just wonderful to see.
I thought she may find the GAP party a bit too busy, but oh no.... she was the perfect party animal and even won the "Shiniest Coat" prize. That is one of the most rewarding things to see, a little dog who has learnt to trust humans again.
I was the "clip your dogs nails for a gold coin donation to GAP" person. There were lots of nails to clip let me tell you! Next year I need a cushion to kneel on... J was taking photos and socialising as usual. Lots of familiar faces. We took home some very tired greyhounds.
On the home front, all is well at the moment. J has finished school for the year and A is in her last two weeks. A starts High School next year.... where did the years go?
Will write more soon , I have a few days off coming up.
Chat soon
Sian is the nail cuttin queen!
Hi, Alison here (Danny's Mum). We met at Kroll on Sun re: walkies with our greys - you can contact me at ppickings@yahoo.com.au and we can maybe arrange something for this week or next. Talk soon.
yeah, i agree with TBG, you're the queeeen! tamale and mr mo disagree. they think you're evil snippy lady.
i'll tell you where the years go. mine go to my boobalies and that makes them droop.
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