Life gives and takes. I am happy and sad. Happy because J and her Internet boyfriend E met and had a magical three weeks together............sad because now he has left and poor J is heartbroken. A difficult path to follow, but I am sure that where there is a will there is a way!
Happy because my Case Studies are submitted and the last straggly tasks are completed....... sad because today we had to say goodbye to a very special kitty. Mr Meow was a resident at Peninsula Vet for 15 years. He attended Puppy Preschool and taught the pups to RESPECT cats. He ruled the place. It was an honour to have your lap chosen at the weekly team meeting, he sat on your lap and purred his way through the meeting. Sadly after a long illness it came to the day... and we said goodbye. RIP Mr Meow.

No matter how long you do this job ... it never gets easier.......
The Greys are good... the cats are fine... the fish are swimming.....the cockatiels are chirping.....
While E was here he and J were eating some grapes, they had them in a bowl of water.....Ziggy thought that the bowl may actually be an indoor bird bath......
I guess things are ok
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