It has been awhile since my last blog, but I have a multitude of excuses. I have been working fairly long hours, finishing off all the requirements for my studies this semester, supporting a very sad daughter and trying to run a household.
I think I am failing in a few of these areas......... J is missing her boyfriend terribly. But not much I can do to rectify that situation. My household is a desperate attempt at organisation, which has failed miserably. This is evidenced by little piles of "stuff" everywhere. I mean to find a place for them........but they seem to multiply until I feel overwhelmed by them. That makes me leave them for another week...... You see the problem yet?

My behaviour when I am studying, working and "not coping" is not something I am proud of. I can have tantrums, shout and scream and stomp off to my room and slam the door. I am so wishing I had never embarked on this studying. However I am nearing the finish line and it would be incredibly stupid to throw in the towel so close to the end....

I always thought that things get easier as you age but that is apparently not how it works. I seem to rush more, have less time and cope worse? What happened to my vision of arriving to "middle-age" with dignity, poise and control? This Owl does not seem to be getting wiser?
Ok enough about me and my whining.
Winter is fast approaching and the 4 - legged creatures of the house are desperate to avoid the cold. I woke up this morning with Siamese 1 in my arms, Siamese 2 on my head, sharing my pillow and Siamese 3 on my legs. I am apparently a giant hot-water bottle designed for their comfort.
Karma and Shani are once again wearing their multitude of "doggy-coats" that they have. Karma recently had a birthday and is now 8yrs old. She does not look old but I can see she is slowing down a bit. If you take her for too long a walk she starts to slow down and then just stops and stares at you. That means "Ok, enough" I am going home. This next photo was kindly supplied by E an awesome photographer!

Shani on the other hand will go and go....... a bit like a "Duracell Bunny".......
Be back soon
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