I normally try to respect my family's privacy and not reveal too much on the blog BUT there are a few things I would like to "Get off my chest". I think I will expose them one by one...
J - She will escape my wrath to a large degree because of all the 2 legged family members , she is probably the one who helps me most. Will hang washing , mop floors, sort out animal needs, cook dinners and walk dogs...........But she is a very Arty Farty person. Her room looks like it has been hit by a SCUD missile and chaos is her middle name. She is rarely listening when spoken to, so often "misses out on instructions" leading to many "But I didn't know" conversations. Her artwork gets winning prizes and she is unaware it was even entered.......... She is however the warmest, loveliest person you can ever meet........and I am prepared to live in battle zone........she is worth it!
A - Hmm this little devil is going to cop the hardest rap from me. She is extroverted and people adore her but beware because before you know it you will become a slave to her like the rest of us. After she has made you sooo mad you can see steam coming from my ears.........she will say or do something so funny and endearing that you forgive her. She says she will help with chores but somehow manages to use her wiles to escape every task she is set. Anything goes from suddenly becoming ill to big tears welling up in her massive long lashed eyes......... Her chaos is not confined to her room, she manages to spread her untidiness through the house like flood waters rising. Before you know it we are all drowning in A's junk lying about. She indignantly denies it was her and blames it on everyone and everything except herself! She is so proficient at this that you almost start to believe that it must have been you who made the mess......... I do adore her despite the hard time she gives me.........she will go far... and have many adoring fans.
D - Hmm not really house broken yet after all these years. He should probably reside in an office as he does not always need to sleep anyway. He lives in the Virtual world and occasionally drops in and says "Hi". DIY is a big no-no and can even make him hide. Mowing the lawn is something that happens when I am threatning to leave. He is not the most social beast and is content with his own company most of the time. He gets very animated with the following :
World of Warcraft Battlegrounds
Formula One
Equations that no one else understands
He is very nice when he is on earth though and apart from getting weird tumours and trying to die at regular intervals, I do Lurrve him. Oh and also because he lets me keep so many animals...
Then there is me..........I do the Shopping,cooking,housework,DIY, garden,all accounts and bank stuff, open all the mail...........yep that's me.... THE LITTLE RED HEN!!
where is my toilet chair?
mm.. i used to read this blog
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