OK enough about the dogs already. We have 3 cats. Two Blue Point Siamese and a Tortoiseshell Domestic Short hair. The Siamese are boys and their names are Blue (original Huh!) and Bindi (did not know it meant "girl" in aboriginal!) and the Torti does not have a name, we call her Kitten even though she clearly is no longer one..........
The Siamese are pretty "Snobby" about Kitten and so are a bit standoffish to her. This does not bother her, she was a feral kitten that I bought home from work for "A few days" to tame, and she is a survivor ... nothing bothers her. She eats as though its her last meal each time, of course when you are a house cat this means you start to get pudgy. I am too embarrassed to take her to work ( Veterinary Clinic) because she is so fat she has to squeeze through the cat door.
The cats were here first and they were very peeved about the arrival of DOGS in their home. Much unhappiness took place but now they have come to terms with the dogs and things are reasonably harmonious. Shani still cops a smack on the snout due to her exuberance but Karma is not hurt at all anymore.
The thing with cats is that they expect a certain level of servility from all other living creatures. Dogs don't always understand this. The Siamese are especially "High Maintenance" and demand that things happen when asked. IF I don't respond they will MEOW very loudly until I take notice. If they happen to get hungry at 3am and I have not left sufficient food out, they play games on my head and knock things off shelves until I get up and feed them.
I spend my days at work giving people advice on how to re-educate their animals behaviour....and then I get home and my 4-legged friends outwit me at every turn............
Maybe next week Iwill be FIRM and able to sort out who is the BOSS..........
Yeah right...........
1 comment:
i rely on the feline physics. i can't have the cat waking when i move him from one side to the other at night. he's my belly warmer.
p.s. the dogs love their pawdicure.
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