Sunday, 03 August 2008

I hate toast tagged me....

1) The FAQs and some FUQs (unasked) about the name "Its Character Building".

I have had some some "Character Building Years" sort of started about 11 years ago.......nursed two fathers with cancer , Den's with Pancreatic Cancer and mine with Lung Cancer. Had "at gunpoint" robberies in Johannesburg, emmigrated country, had a husband who has had a rare life threatening tumour known as a Pheochromocytoma.........and then Oral Cancer 18 months later....given a 15% prognosis..... have been told by many "Its Character Building"...........

Its sucks but hey what do you 2 kids to raise and wailing doesn't help (I tried)

2) How I met my manboy.

In a pub in Kimberley South Africa..... 21 years waiting for my medal for putting up with immense amount of sh..t!

3) I make bad stuff.

Not sure.........don't make stuff?

4) I keep stuff about yurts and tiny homes for retirement.

Nope not me...

5) I love the smell of cat and dog paws. They smell like Fritos.

Not sure they smell of Fritos........but after 20 years or more of working with animals I have smelt hooves, paws you name it.....Fritos have not come to mind......

6) I have never had a job for which I applied.

Uh.....had some pretty awesome jobs......been in the "right place at the right time"......put it down to networking...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you thilly! they're supposed to be 6 things we don't know about you. you didn't have to use my own things.


c'mon. what are things we don't know about you?

oh, my word veri fication thing is c z world. like crazy world. so good for this blog.