I am having severe motivational issues on getting my Case Studies together. I am so tired from work that I can't seem to get my A into Z to work on my studies. Oh well will have to come up with a plan fast or I am gonna be in the Poo Poo soon.

I am planning to finish this year... finish my studies... then take a deep breath and do NOTHING! Yes NOTHING. My brain is closing down and only essential stuff will take place... no extra things to mess with my "Me time", actually I have been planning a nervous breakdown for years but have never had a spare moment to have one... maybe next year?? I have developed a tic in my left eye and am wondering if this is a first sign of madness? Or maybe its one of the last.....
Most folk start the new year with a "Get Fit" resolution.... I am going to "Stay Sane"...

Will blog soon again
aw, taking advantage of her addictions.
Do nothing? Oh bliss, good plan! Wish I could... -_-
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