Well its been a busy few weeks for me. Changing job is not for the faint-hearted. You forget how comfortable your routine is...until you change it that is! Then you discover that you have to play catch up to get yourself in the groove!
I am going through the what,where,how,when part of being the "New Kid on the Block". Don't know where anything is kept, don't know nuttin......... It will come in time, it always does but its amazing how you forget that feeling of slight panic...

Am winding down from a successful...yes SUCCESSFUL year of Study! Passed everything friends...yyyeeeehaaa! Now if I could just have a celebratory drinkie poo.... But ALAS the bloody stomach/liver does not allow alcohol anymore........not too worry....I am now a caffeine addict of note. There is not a coffee franchise in Southeast Queensland left unturned........

It is absolute bliss working so close to home. I "pop" home for lunch...and no matter how late I finish.......it is always only 5 mins to home! Don't have to fill my car with gas too much anymore.... I should walk.....one day I may.......but my excuse for now is that its summer and its too hot!
I have also managed to read a book...first one in about 6 months...could not read or I would not study...now I can read all the way to FEBRUARY when my FINAL YEAR begins!!!!!!!!!!!!
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