Well I have had a pretty whirlwind 3 weeks. It was really good to have P here and we all enjoyed her company so much. Sadly she has moved on in her travels and is back in Sydney for a week before heading home to Cape Town.

I took a few days off while she was around to "play", I have now had to make up those days and put some serious hours this last week. Some rather big news is that I am changing jobs shortly. This has been a hard decision to make as I am not unhappy where I am and am going to really miss my work colleagues LOTS! However I have been offered a job literally "down the road" and with a Vet Surgery I have previously worked for and also loved.
The temptation of not having a 45min drive each way as well as being so close to home and kids was the big drawcard. So after 2 years I am sadly saying goodbye to Anvet and hello to Peninsula Vet Surgery.
The beasts are all well, Shani (Destructor Dog) feels we have not been attentive enough and has dragged litter all over the house and garden. She I suspect may have some "Seperation Anxiety" issues that need work. Karma is doing well but is also not without "Issues", it is storm season in Queensland and she is seriously VERY STORM PHOBIC! I had to ask for "Chemical" help from the Vet as she gets so beside herself its scary, her tablets she has been prescribed are called "Kalma" .....is that appropriate or what!

The cats are MAD...the siamese race around the house all night and charge up and down the flyscreens. Should the food supply in their bowl run low....no matter the time...they have methods to get a human to refill it. If we ignore them,they climb up onto shelves and deliberately knock items on to the floor until we can't stand it any longer and get up and feed them......
Little Tortoiseshell Kitty would never do that , she is a lady and does bother peple. The Siamese believe they are Gods and need everyone to serve them...even the dogs. They have now taken to sleeping on the dogs bed if they leave them for a second...needless to say they do not get out when the dog returns. I come in and find the dogs sleeping on the tiles................

After the sad loss of "Sweetie" the cockatiel we were asked to become the new carers of "Pixie". Pixie is a very needy cockatiel and screams for Jade to come and get her out the cage every morning. As you can see they have bonded ... She is sharing a cage with "Drake" our boybird who lost his mate and eggs in the sad incident. He is really enjoying Pixie and seems much less stressed now that he has a new companion.
So thats all for now folks........
I am going back to gym this week, the cartoon is my inspiration message for the week......

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