Its subtle and at first its fun, the sun is shining, the days are longer... BUT as the summer sets in I want to do what the bears do in winter...hibernate! I don't mind heat, remember I am an AFRICAN, however I can't cope with humidity.... I go to pieces. I seem to sweat 24/7 and running from the car into the house could land you with sunburn! We are fortunate to live on a "Peninsula" and so do get sea breezes. The picture below is an arial view of of Scarborough where we live...its pretty beautiful.

The Queensland climate is very similar to Durban in South Africa, D is a "Durban Boy" and so he feels like he is home. I come from Cape Town, it gets hot but its a dry heat ...not that "Watery, sticky, melting heat". In fact the average summer temperatures are probably lower than what I am accustomed to but not that humidity problem.
Don't get me wrong, I love this climate from April to November but then it happens....it gets soo hot I have to lie in a darkened air conditioned room. The first year we were here , we had no aircon, no fans ,no nothing! I nearly died...every night I would wet a towel and sleep with a portable fan blowing on the wet towel........ The laugh is that the shopping malls are fully air conditioned....I found myself finding excuses to shop....would probably have been cheaper to buy aircons.......
Now however we have our own home with beautiful airconditioners...Yes I do know about global warming and I reduce my carbon footprint in other ways....promise!

This week A is off on her Year 6 School Camp. This is her final year of primary school, next year she is in High School or Middle School as they call it here. The excitement is HUGE, she has nearly driven me nuts this last week.
J is well, and has "Fallen in love", her first relationship. The only trouble is that he is in a different timezone to us.......so it makes for many hours of chatting on "Skype" or messenger at weird times. Suddenly she is able to wake up at 5am..........hmmm. I guess thats the way of life nowdays, you meet folk with similar interests and develop a relationship based on your mutual interests. Technology has changed the way of things. We approve and she is open and honest with us.......what more could you want? Oh btw if you break my baby's heart....I know where you live!!! :-)
Also in love are the cockatiels , the nesting material was not up to scratch according to the hen and so she threw it all out. We have sort professional advice and apparently needed wood shavings. There is much "In and Out" the nesting box, but no eggs as yet.
I am writing a "Radiology" exam soon and really should be studying, not blogging.....but we have been through this before, haven't we?
The creatures of our "Ark" are well and will have to wait until the next blog for a chance to have their stories told....
Thats all for now folks
i can see your house!
Queensland = aircon LOL
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