Hello there, I am sort of back in the land of the living again. The good news is that there is nothing wrong with my stomach according to the endoscopy...the bad news is :
a) I still have no diagnosis for the bloody mystery pain.
b) The anaesthetist would not believe me when I told him I am allergic to some drug they use...
c) I paid a *^%&**))#$ of money to be wiped out for 48hrs.
So here's what went down. I rock up for my 12:30 endoscopy, having fasted since the previous night. Feeling like hell, dehydration headache and the mystery pain is in full force. Some poor soul has complications, I finally get to theatre at 2pm. I say to the Anaesthetist, " The last two times I have had an anaesthetic I have been violently ill and struggled to wake up, I suspect I am allergic/sensitive to one of the drugs you use". "Humph he snorts, last time you had major surgeries, today I am "sedating you" and don't assume its one of the drugs, it's highly unlikely". "OK" , I reply meekly, go ahead. He says "Well today will tell won't it, you will be fine".
I wake up feeling like a freight train has run me over, am struggling to wake up and the nausea and headache are so bad I say to the nurse...."Quick I am going to vomit!". And vomit I did...repeatedly whilst all around me ate their sandwiches, drank their tea and went home. Eventually the nurse went to find the "Don't Worry" doctor to tell him I may soon lose my actual stomach. I am allergic to most anti nausea medication so out comes the $75 dollar a shot kick ass medicine. This makes me stop vomiting. D helps me to the car , it is now 6:30pm. I make it home fall into bed and sleep, wake up but can't get up, can't eat or drink and the headache is now at migraine proportions.
D has to ph work to let them know that I will not be at work the next day, because I can't really sit up ,let alone drive a vehicle...

So today I ring "Dr Don't Worry's" office and tell them I am stuffed. They tell him, he says I must be re-admitted, I say righto then I will drive my car there and crash is that OK? I am not dying all I want is a letter from you to say that I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH DRUGS YOU USED so that I can tell the next anesthetist and hopefully avoid a 4Th time of being so wiped out post op! A friend came and took me to the GP for a check up, I am OK, still get woozy and have slept about 20hrs straight but am still tired?

Will post more when my eyes will stay open
1 comment:
i think the good news is that 1 new dog and 3 new cats will help you.
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