OK I could not cope with the deaf doggie..........a very very sweet lovable boy with lots to offer. He needs someone around him a lot as he gets a bit anxious when he is left alone. He is also a bundle of energy and needs someone to play with. Karma is middle aged.........like me.......and his bouncing all over her made her very upset. She has been staring at me with barely concealed disdain. She growled at him and snapped at him as well..............something I have almost never seen her do (only once at a promo she got cranky with dogs crowding her).
The Siamese lodged a formal complaint and have been walking around resembling Persians they are so fluffed up! I promised the cats that they come first and that if they are unhappy with a dog we will listen to their woes.........otherwise they start peeing in the house and exhibiting other unwanted behaviours........that I find very persuasive. Poor doggie he just wanted to play, the kitties just could not cope with 30kg dog barking a millimetre from their whiskers........and being deaf he has no idea how loud he is...........
Also this weekend is going to be a bit of a laugh.........I swopped the Deaf Dog for "Shonny" who I previously had to stay for a few days..............remember the dog that like to steal bottles.....yep she is back for awhile. She is fine, young and bouncy, but does not bug Karma and freak the cats out tooo much. Then I offered to babysit Dr R's 9 week old poodle pups for the weekend.........so lets do a beast count -
2 Cockatiels
2 Greyhounds
3 Cats
2 Poodle Pups
Definitely need my head read..............
My sister keeps e-mailing me to tell me I am certifiable........listen Sister I remember you with your Mini Daschunds that were so badly behaved........... Why Frankie even stole all the Christmas Pressie out my suitcase one year and devoured them...........and then vomited the contents on the bed I was to sleep in ..........
Will keep you posted on the how the madness progresses.............
The Dudster is having a ball at his new foster home. Played with the mad bull arab all day and didn't bark once! Now, don't go blaming Shonny for all the liquor bottles lying around..... :-)
maybe you should have learned the Australian SfD alphabet (signing for dogs). it's difficult. no opposable thumb, but you could have tried. oh, and that touchtype thing for deaf barkers.
A cat jigsaw puzzle!
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