I bet some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking..........uh oh Si has lost it, all she writes about are those bloody Greyhounds. Well I have a good reason for not relaying too many Kid and Husband stories. When I write about them they want to censor what I tell you, I have to run the photo's by them for approval...........all of which I find inconvenient and restrictive...........see I told you I am cranky.
Youngest child of mine "A" has such a wicked sense of humour she can drop you in your tracks. Last night we are watching "House M.D", one of our favourites. Its about this guy who has to have the right side of his brain removed..........."A" pipes up "On no! Now he is going to be Light-headed"...........
Another great one from her is she says to her swimming coach, "I can't swim today because I am sick".........."What's wrong" he asks? "I am coming down with a severe case of laziness and it's terribly contagious............I wouldn't want the other kids catching it". Saw her teacher for an interview and he says she is doing fine, a bit distracted but no problems. He says she is polite, well-mannered and listens to instructions......................Huh?? Are we talking about the same kid?
Look out world, a whirlwind is due to hit you............she is going to be very interesting to watch. A great networker and eyelashes so long they seem false..................
As J matures so we get closer and closer. When your kids are little you are Mom and you are in charge. When your kids hit their teens and the "Adult" emerges it's an interesting journey of having to step back and watch in awe as your "Baby" needs you less and less. I am so enjoying becoming "Friends" with J and having interesting discussions. She is a beautiful human and so creative. A lovely nature, gentle and kind. She is great starter...........she will get everyone around her to complete the actual job..........not too big on finishing! Loves solitary time, reading, art and animals. She towers over me now and I feel a bit short ............how did these big people ever fit inside my stomach!
Actually way I look at the moment it looks like they may still be in it................Ha Ha...........told you its to iron out the wrinkles...............
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