Todays topic is not a pretty one, put away your breakfast .....you have been warned. I was wondering why it is that people think we are stupid. Went to the doggie park the other day and it is a marvelous place to observe human behaviour. People fall into two distinct groups........those who follow rules and those who break them.
This brings us to "Poo Etiquette" which is a very interesting reflection on the dog owner. Some of us always clean up after our hound and ensure that the park is left in a "No Landmine" state, so as not to have to drive home with your shoes left in the back due to some unfortunate poo accident.
Then there are the "Phantom Poo's", these apparently do not belong to anyone's dog despite the fact that you actually clearly observe the dog parking a massive landmine. The owners do notice but look the other way and pretend to be absorbed in bird watching. Due to the fact that we are all a bit circumspect about confronting strangers we tend to get irritated but remain silent. I propose that there should be "Poo Police" . Would it not be hilarious to hear a siren go off and blue lights flashing when some long standing offender is caught ignoring his dog parking a landmine.
As punishment they could be given 90 hours community service ............picking up other folks dog crap! Hah that would be justice!

Another pet hate (excuse the pun) of mine is those folk with Giant Breed dogs with no manners at all. When you own a Rottweiler that weighs 55 kg and has an attitude of Mike Tyson it is probably not wise to take it to an off leash park. One minute you are walking quietly and the next you are backed up against a fence with a salivating dog threatening you? The owner always has an excuse "He is not like this at home" , yes dumbkopf he probably is not but until you can control him please stay at home!
Then you meet the good folk. Stop chat, make friends , admire each other's dogs and have a relaxing walk.
Maybe I am just getting cranky with age..........
Chat soon
i'll add to yours. there is a woman who visits the norman park dog park with her sweet but too spazzy staffie. she lets him/her out of the car and into the park. she then goes back into her car and waits. listens to the radio? reads dirty mags? writes the great australian novel? i don't know. i do know she doesn't watch the dog or clean up after it. the dog seems nice, but is clearly underspoiled and pesters the other dogs. we have to leave.
oh oh oh... forgot one.
our dog park has two gates. i came from a n'hood that had a dog park with just one. imagine my surprise when i went to the new one and then saw tamale bolt.
now i know to check both before i release the beast, but is it too much to ask that one closes the gate behind when one leaves? oy!
just had to add.
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