Anybody else noticed that as you get older instead of becoming more in control of your life.......you become less in control? Maybe its just me but I have noticed that no matter how hard I try to be organised......."life" sends in a little fairy to wave her wand and cause chaos.
I am thinking it is because when you are in your 20's you have just yourself to keep organised........no responsibilities and your main aim is to party big. Then as your 30's approach most folk settle down, get sick of pubs and start to contemplate having a family. Whilst this may sound like a more gentle period it is not. You go from having a late night partying but waking up at 1pm to..............spending your entire night pacing the floor with a screaming baby. You never really do know why they cry and the blur of parenthood is a huge shock.
The love and responsibility you feel for these tiny red-faced screaming "Mini-Me's" is phenomenal. But it is carefully ordained by our "Designer" so that we care for them no matter what and grow them big to propagate the human race. Along with this period of life comes RESPONSIBILITY, this means mortgages, material possession's and a frantic striving to make money for the FUTURE. We run ourselves ragged trying to get "Ahead".
We often forget what is important.......in this frantic "gathering of nuts". Then along come the 40's. The children are getting older and do not need constant care. You have time to reflect a bit more. Life throws a few or many curve balls at you and all your carefully laid plans get scattered. Things are not how you planned at all. Death visits those close to you and you realise what is important.........and it's not your mortgage.....believe me.
Whether you are rich or poor, beautiful or ugly the end of life is inevitable. How you conduct yourself on this journey is what matters. You can achieve great heights in life but if you behave badly you will have no friends and you will die alone and no one will remember you. If you give ,forgive and are kind to those around you............people will love you and they will stay by your side. When the tough times come you will have friends.............and it won't be so tough.
I have learned this lesson and everyday I say thank you for my "Friends" some are people that I did not know 7 months ago but now they form a huge part of my family. So thank you to all of you for being my friend!
Who knows what the 50's will bring...........but I am not scared of the future. The boat may rock, but I know I can swim..................
good post.
i was wondering when you'd refernce Karma, because she's looking up at your like a proud little baby.
i guess this means you didn't give the girls a school hols smackdown.
Greyhounds = no control...! They rule your life. God help us if the stork ever comes...where would fit them!!!
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