Woke up this morning 7am........lay in bed for awhile...............woke up 11am! Not feeling too bad today, a few grumbles from the non-existent gallbladder but not too bad. Wandered into kitchen.....D,J and A all on computers in a row.
A "flaps " her arms and jumps up and down when playing World of Warcraft with her dad. Whoever said that sitting in front of a PC all day is not exercise, has clearly not seen my child flap her arms, jump on and off her chair, shriek and generally look like a startled bird. Don't panic........we force her to do swimming training 3 days a week so her muscles won't atrophy.
J on the other hand does not move much at all..........in fact, its as if you have unplugged her from this planet. It can take 3-7 calls and even a shake of the shoulder to get her to look up and say "Huh"? When present on earth she is very helpful and and sweet........its just that she is not often on earth as you who have met her would know! She is very very into her art and is really got amazing talent. A local professional artist is giving her lessons as well now and she is loving it. She so "Arty Farty" its scary. Wears only denim jeans and black t-shirts. Is very very smart and is fun to "debate" with. It is fantastic to see her take her dad on in an argument...........and win!!! We all know how easy he is to argue with don't we. ;-) She will fight the point and then rush off to grab the relevant New Scientist magazine and prove him wrong. If I have done nothing else in my "Character Building Journey" than produce another being who can out argue D..........I have had success!
D and J are two peas in a pod, its like having a clone.
A (I'm told) is like me but I can't see it........She is Loud, passionate, in your face but wonderful. Her energy is scary and some days I don't know how to keep up........The student has surpassed the master. I will sit in my 40 something crisis and wish for just a smidgin of her energy. She uses most of her energy to argue with her parents (Cannot see where that argumentative streak came from?) about EVERYTHING. Sometimes we retreat in exhaustion and try to plot a new plan to get her to do anything. BUT she is like a burning flame...........and the moths fly in and get zapped ad infinitum.
Sala Kahle
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