Hmm, medicine I have learned is not an exact science at all. All my tests have come back pretty ok, liver is a bit strange looking but seems to function fine? Only problem is that there is a definite infection brewing somewhere, my white blood cell count has doubled since the last test and it was already too high then.
Doc says he is stumped? We can carry on with a million tests or just try to treat the mystery infection with some antibiotics..........I chose the the antibiotics. Don't need to know what it was......just need to get better! So lets hope this will fix me!
D has just become stronger and stronger........he has taken to cooking and its looking like he may actually do a way better job than me!We walk almost everyday, along the beautiful waterfront and have a cappucino to keep us going.
D has a new project he is trying to catch the "Evil Grey Cat" hence known as EGC. EGC has been terrorizing our three kitties for months. He arrives at night, pees on everything and beats my kitties to a pulp. Blu Boy has had to go to hospital twice already to be repaired. Kitten has also been mauled by EGC. Bindii Boy does his best to fight back but sadly EGC has the weight advantage and we keep losing the battle.
So D has decided to trap EGC and give him a BIG fright and a BIG splash of water and hope that serves as a lesson. Personally I have my doubts but desperate times call for desperate measures..... Of course EGC may be wiser than we give him credit for, as every morning the trap is empty and the tantilizing morsel of food remains untouched. The biggest danger is to remember to "de-activate" the cage in the morning so that we don't trap our own unsuspecting felines!
I have just finished a MEGA assignment and written an exam for my Veterinary Nursing Certification. Yep after 20 years of nursing animals I am making it official. I have studied more in the last few weeks than I think I did in my entire school career. Its not eaasy studying when you are old, work, have kids and waaay too many animals. Also I can now study with pandemonium around me. Try concentrate when people are shouting "Mom, whats for dinner"?
The answer is nothing, zero, nought.....nada. Get your own!
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