Sunday, 16 August 2009

Its been a very long while.....

Its been some time since my last blog. A combination of losing Karma and facing major spinal surgery sort of left me speechless for awhile. I did not want to post misery.... so thought I'd hang in until the light at the end of the tunnel appeared.

I now have a snazzy new titanium spine, fused from T2 - T6 and am getting there slowly. I was naive in my expectations of what i was in for and was shocked at the pain and disability of spinal surgery! Nuff said on that matter I am ever so greatful to be up and walking and not in a wheelchair! My back is not the same shape and I now sport a pretty awesome scar to wear as a badge of honour in my journey through breaking my back.

Karma left a gaping void in our pet family and it was very hard to recover from our grief. Shani coped pretty well but she does have a very full life. She has a job working for an animal behaviourist as a therapy dog .... see and most weekends see Shani girl out rehabilitating aggressive hounds.

She loves her job and when Jane arrives to fetch her she goes spacko... zoomies and sprints to where her collar and lead are so she can get to work!

A new addition has recently been added to the Ark.... enter Zinzi a Chihuahua x Min foxy who is now Shani's "mini me" and new companion. Shani was a bit lost when we all went out and would whine quietly to herself so we decided a small "side-kick" to keep her company was a good idea. Zinzi is pretty full on and has bought many smile and much love into our home. EVERYONE adores her even Blue the Siamese is besotted. He plays non stop with the puppy all day. Shani lets her share her bed and her exuberance has bought smiles to all.

Well I reckon that's enough for my return blog.... will post again soon.
Chat soon