So in November I happily completed my Veterinary Nursing Certification... and then spent December working long hours at work, it was our busy season and we had some staff shortages. I was very relieved to be finished studying...
My plan was to take some time off when things settled and get my messy home in order... unfortunately this was not to be...

On the 24Th January I went to ride a horse that had been purchased as "suitable for a competent child", well it turned out to be suitable as rodeo bronc! I was thrown very hard and broke my back!

I have unfortunately fractured 3 vertebrae. Slab fractures off T1 and T2 and then a more than 50% burst compression fracture to T4... The neurosurgeon says I am fortunate to be walking... So I am currently housebound after 2 weeks in hospital...and now unable to work ....
Soo thats my latest excuse for lack of "blogging"...
As soon as I am able to get about and take some pics...I 'll try get the blog running again...
Cheers for now