Well 3 years, 2 bouts of cancer and lots of work......and I am finished my Vet Nurse Certification. Its a good feeling......not having to study and hand in anymore assignments. After 15 years of Vet Nursing without the certification....it will be good to have the "bit of paper" to go with it!

I am very happy to have finished, there were times I wanted to throw in the towel....but now its done. I have learned lots.......and won't be studying anytime in the near future.....this old dog is done with tricks for awhile!
All is well with the multitude of beasts I own. Karma certainely has aged over winter and is becoming a little cranky. She is no longer so tolerant and if other dogs jump on her she now growls a warning, I guess have old creaky bones can make one a bit irritable. She is approaching 9 years old, its to be expected. She still loves her walkies and will play bow for me......she is always my "special girl".
Shani has blossomed, she is a bundle of fun and maturing into a very sweet gentl girl. She recently became an assistant to an Animal Behaviourist friend of mine. She goes out to help with "dog aggressive" dogs. Her gentle disposition means that she soon wins over the other dog with her gentle demeanour. Never reacting to snaps and snarls, turns her head and just ignores it. They soon realise she means no harm and settle down to walk nearby without attempting harm. It takes a special dog........and she is one!
The cats are fine...getting along reasonably well, keeping me awake as usual......you know the drill.
My next plan is to do some fun stuff......take photos.....and update my blog more frequently! So see you soon.