I think I am becoming an "Old Dog"..... firstly there is my very obvious grey patch... nothing a bit of dye can't fix. Then there is the fact that I am learning new tricks. I am in my final year of Vet Nursing and really feel like I am out of steam. I have been Vet Nursing for 20 years.... since the time when no one really had qualifications... so I am now studying and am nearly finished... roll on year end ...roll on..... Only books I am gonna open after that are FICTION.
I find that working, kids, home, dogs,cats, birds etc etc.... is hard to juggle. I sort of need more than 24 hrs in a day. So if my blog has been a bit "slow" thats why!
J met a boy "online" a year ago, after a year of getting to know each other E has come to meet us. He is from the Netherlands. So 2 weeks ago E arrived to meet J and see if the online romance was real........ Well it has been a pleasure to meet E and have him stay. After 2 weeks he is part of the family and we are going to be very sad to say goodbye next week. They are making plans about repeat visits.....

Its weird how small the internet makes the world... communicating with people on the other side of the world is as easy as if they lived next door. Due to the internet I have found friends I have not seen for 20 years..... Very odd... but strangely fun! I am having a ball catching up with old friends , seeing how they have changed, what they have become, their kids...
In fact just this week I am meeting an old school friend who is holidaying in Australia...we have not seen each other since High School....
The cats are good, the dogs are fine....the kids are great......D is "cancer" free so I guess we're good!
See ya